u 教育经历
起止时间 |
学习单位 |
专业 |
层次 |
200909-201406 |
山东大学 |
材料学 |
博士 |
200409-200806 |
中国地质大学(武汉) |
材料化学 |
学士 |
u 工作经历
起止时间 |
工作单位 |
所属部门 |
职称/职务 |
202206-至今 |
伟德BETVlCTOR1946 |
伟德BETVlCTOR1946 |
副教授 |
201912-202206 |
伟德BETVlCTOR1946 |
材料科学与工程学院 |
副教授 |
201407-201911 |
伟德BETVlCTOR1946 |
材料科学与工程学院 |
讲师 |
u 研究方向
u 招生专业
u 科研项目(限10项)
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,51702257,LAP晶体特异性及磷酸胍基间作用的能量处理机制研究,2018.01-2020.12,已结题,主持
2. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划, 2018JQ5123,新型胍基衍生物光电功能晶体制备与性能研究,2018/01-2019/12,已结题,主持;
u 代表性论文(限10项)
1. Miao Wang, Lei Wang, Huanhuan Gao, Jin Li, Zhao Liu. Study on the mechanism of oxygen atom-related non-covalent interactions on the structure of non-fused ring acceptor molecules and their optoelectronic properties. Electronic Structure, 2024, 6, 015003.
2. Lei Wang, Zhao Liu, Ying Ma, Zhao Li, Meixia Xiao, Bingtian Tu, Haiyang Song. Synergistic design of a semi-hollow core–shell structure and a metal–organic framework-derived Co/Zn selenide coated with MXene for high-performance lithium–sulfur batteries. Dalton Transactions, 2024, 53(2), 572-581.
3. Lei Wang, Mingwei Cao, Miao Wang, Huanhuan Gao, Qiong Shi. Alkoxy substitution on simple non-fused electron acceptors for tuning the photoelectric properties of organic solar cells, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2023, e27254.
4. Jiaxuan Wang, Lei Wang*, Zhao Li, Jiaying Bi, Qiong Shi, Haiyang Song. Recent Advances of Metal Groups and Their Heterostructures as Catalytic Materials for Lithium-Sulfur Battery Cathodes. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2023, 52, 3526-3548.
5. Mingwei Cao, Lei Wang*, Huanhuan Gao, Hao Jiang, Haiyang Song. Intrinsic influence of selenium substitution in thiophene and benzo-2,1,3-thiadiazole on the electronic structure, excited states and photovoltaic performances evaluated using theoretical calculations. New Journal of Chemistry, 2023,47, 1797-1807
6. Ying Ma, Lei Wang*, Zhao Li, Anke Wei. Research progress in hollow nanocomposite materials for lithium-sulfur batteries cathodes. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 922 (2022): 166276
7. Anke Wei, Lei Wang*, Zhao Li. Metal-organic framework derived binary-metal oxide/MXene composite as sulfur host for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 899 (2022): 163369.
8. Yi Wang, Shujuan Liu, Huanhuan Gao*, Lei Wang*, Weiping Wang, Yuchen Zhou, Baofeng Zhao, Haimei Wu, Chao Gao*, Multiple chlorinations to improve the performance of unfused electron-acceptor based organic photovoltaic cells, Surfaces and Interfaces, 32, 2022, 102185.
9. Yi Wang, Shujuan Liu, Huanhuan Gao**, Lei Wang***, Weiping Wang, Baofeng Zhao, Haimei Wu, Chao Gao*, Synergistic halogenation of backbone and end group for high-performance non-fused acceptors based organic solar cells. Dyes and Pigments, 200, 2022, 110178.
u 学术专著
1. 王磊,基团间作用与新晶体设计,中国石化出版社,2018年11月;
2. 王磊,宋海洋,分子内电荷转移-理论与应用(译著),中国石化出版社,2023年7月。
u 授权专利(限10项)
1. 王磊,魏安柯,李钊,王党会,许天旱,锂硫电池正极材料及其制备方法及锂硫电池正极片,202111067949.X(2023年授权);
2. 许天旱,肖美霞,王磊,雒设计,王碧岩,王荣,一种基于脉冲宽度调制型阴极保护的方法及其保护装置,2014100894447(2016年授权);
3. 王党会,许天旱,宋海洋,王磊,一种GaN热膨胀系数测量的Raman散射方法,201610059402.8(2018年授权)。
1. “硕士生+本科生+研究生导师”三位一体“融合”育人育才创新培养模式的构建与实践,2021年校级教学成果奖一等奖,排名第5;
2. 2017年获得伟德BETVlCTOR1946“青年教师教学竞赛”三等奖;
3. 2023年“建行杯”第十六届全国老员工节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛二等奖(指导教师)。